Frill Free Zone

The Frill Free Zone is where we get to the nitty gritty of living simply; eliminate all the unnecessary, useless, frivolous or giddy; it's where you get serious about creating your unique life that suits you to perfection.

  • Feel the pride of salvaging a piece of architectural molding and using it in an innovative way;

  • get off the recycling train and learn ways of using your packaging, instead of filling the landfill.

  • Find natural materials close at hand that make a vernacular building style work perfectly in your climate.

The world is at the cusp of stopping waste in its tracks - what did our grand parents say? Waste not, want not...

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Homesteading Blog - The Frill Free Zone
Jul 26, 2024

Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner (or Chicken)


Winner, Winner, Turkey (or chicken) Dinner - gluten free Sunday meal for two

Continue reading "Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner (or Chicken)"

Jul 26, 2024

Is Your Compost Too Hot? Here are some guidelines


Some guidelines to follow if your compost is too hot to touch...

Continue reading "Is Your Compost Too Hot? Here are some guidelines"

Jul 25, 2024

RV Restoration - making your old recreational vehicle look new again


Tips for your DIY RV Restoration - giving your old recreational vehicle a new lease on life...

Continue reading "RV Restoration - making your old recreational vehicle look new again"

Jul 24, 2024

528 Hertz, Music for Healing and Pain Removal


Listen to this soothing 528 Hertz Music for Healing and Pain Removal...

Continue reading "528 Hertz, Music for Healing and Pain Removal"

Jul 23, 2024

Secret Ingredients to make your recipes unique and individually yours


Secret Ingredients for a unique and individual flavor in your recipes...

Continue reading "Secret Ingredients to make your recipes unique and individually yours"

Jul 22, 2024

What can I do about powdery mildew on Phlox?

Phlox without mildew

My phlox in the front garden is covered in powdery mildew, even though there is another plant that must be similar and bought at the same time and it is

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Jul 22, 2024

How to Kill Flies - simple, non-toxic solutions to an annoying problem


Flies buzzing around your face and landing on your food as you're trying to eat, how annoying is that? Learn some simple ways to get rid of them once and for all...

Continue reading "How to Kill Flies - simple, non-toxic solutions to an annoying problem"

Jul 21, 2024

Lighting the Fire - how to make a fire safely


Get good at Lighting The Fire, it's a very useful skill to have...

Continue reading "Lighting the Fire - how to make a fire safely"

Jul 20, 2024

Best Flowers for your Vegetable Garden - attract pollinators


Attract pollinators, repel pests; Best Flowers for your Vegetable Garden...

Continue reading "Best Flowers for your Vegetable Garden - attract pollinators"

Jul 19, 2024

Splitting Firewood - the second phase of warmth


Splitting Firewood for the winter is something that is easy to procrastinate about; the best seasoning of firewood will take place in warmer weather...

Continue reading "Splitting Firewood - the second phase of warmth"

Jul 18, 2024

Cover Crops - keep that soil warm and cozy


Planting Cover Crops on garden beds and around plantings keeps adding valuable organic matter to your soil; this crucial step of soil building is a continuous process...

Continue reading "Cover Crops - keep that soil warm and cozy"

Jul 16, 2024

How to Grow Potatoes - those fruits of the earth, spuds


How to Grow Potatoes; the nutritious, delicious fruits of the earth, spuds. If you grow anything at all, make sure there are a few potatoes in the garden too...

Continue reading "How to Grow Potatoes - those fruits of the earth, spuds"

Jul 15, 2024

Ask The Horticulturist anything about plants


The Horticulturist is In; ask me anything about plants, gardens or growing...

Continue reading "Ask The Horticulturist anything about plants"

Jul 15, 2024

Fire Mitigation on the Homestead - protect your home from wildfires


Protect your home from wildfires - Fire Mitigation on the Homestead...

Continue reading "Fire Mitigation on the Homestead - protect your home from wildfires"

Jul 14, 2024

Hay Bale Gardening - that old moldy bale of hay is good for something


Put those old moldy bales of hay to use with Hay Bale Gardening; up off the ground, easy to access, weed free; what more could you want?

Continue reading "Hay Bale Gardening - that old moldy bale of hay is good for something"

Jul 13, 2024

How To Grow Streptocarpus, the beautiful Cape Primrose


The name means 'twisted seed pod' but first they have to flower - How To Grow Streptocarpus

Continue reading "How To Grow Streptocarpus, the beautiful Cape Primrose"

Jul 12, 2024

A Guest Post; How To Fix Calcium Deficiency in Plants


How to Fix Calcium Deficiency in Plants...a guest post

Continue reading "A Guest Post; How To Fix Calcium Deficiency in Plants"

Jul 11, 2024

DIY Dog Leash - make it to your specifications


Make this DIY Dog Leash to your exact specifications...

Continue reading "DIY Dog Leash - make it to your specifications"

Jul 10, 2024

DIY Dog House - give your pooch a comfortable home


Give your dog a snug house to live in - some dogs need an outdoor space with a DIY Dog House...

Continue reading "DIY Dog House - give your pooch a comfortable home"

Jul 09, 2024

Peasant Chic - or, clothing for the country


Peasant Chic - or, clothing for country or gardening wear...

Continue reading "Peasant Chic - or, clothing for the country"

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