These little red black spotted beetles are well known, but did you know it's the larvae that create havoc among pest populations?
The adults eat a few as they look around for a good burgeoning group of aphids or other pests to lay their eggs among.
larvae look nothing at all like the adults; they resemble tiny charcoal
grey alligators, and busily chomp away on the pests.
The eggs
of the ladybug are bright yellow, so if you have an infestation on your
garden plants, check to see if the ladybugs have got there first.
eggs are laid in a cluster, generally three to six or seven together,
and I've seen as many as three larvae on a plant, so I imagine that the
first ones to hatch out get the good stuff, and the later ones have to
try and locate another population to predate.
The larvae have been referred to as 'garden alligators' as that's what they most resemble - they look nothing like the adults with their red spotted wing cases.
It's a good idea to
let some of your weeds grow undisturbed in a quiet corner of your
garden - I know, the domesticated gene rebels against leaving weeds, but
these are some of the best fodder for many beneficial insects,
including syrphid flies, wasps and many other predators.
They need nectar and pollen to complete their life cycle, not just pests to eat.
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