Fungus gnats

by Pierre
(Cold Lake Alberta)

Yellow Sticky Trap

Yellow Sticky Trap

I've been seeing a ton of little flies that buzz around me and get in my face when I water. I also seem to have some that are slightly bigger, and do the same thing, but are nowhere near my plants. What are they, and can I get rid of them?

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Aug 04, 2024
Be consistent and tenacious
by: Jacki

These little fungus gnats can be the bane of your existence. They may be small, but they have the ability to make your life miserable. Plants can suffer too, because the maggots of the flies eat the roots of plants.

The best suggestion I have for fungus gnats is the use of yellow sticky traps, which you can find here.

For the other little flies, they are sewer flies or drain flies, and live in the traps under your sinks and tubs.

The best treatment is to be consistent in pouring very hot water down the drains once a month or so, to keep them in check.

You can also periodically sprinkle a few tablespoons of baking soda (Bicarbonate of Soda) followed by a cup or so of pickling vinegar. Get ready for this to foam up. Then run the hot water for a bit to remove any buildup of crud from inside the plumbing p-trap.

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